
莎拉·西爾弗頓老師(Ms Sarah Silverton)

  • 1999 年獲得教育碩士學位
  • 專業職能治療師
  • 資深正念教師
  • 英國兒童正念教育課程(Paws.b)的聯合創始人
  • 當下的禮物【The Present for Schools】課程創始人
  • 當下的禮物(The Present)教師培訓師

1996年,馬克威廉斯(Mark Williams)臨床心理博士向莎拉介紹正念,之後莎拉在卡巴金博士的美國麻州正念中心與馬克威廉斯及其他正念老師一起教授正念課程。
自從2010年開始,莎拉積極推動校園中的正念教育,並與科爾溫灣的教師和學校合作。莎拉是正念校園計畫(Mindfulness in Schools Project, MISP)的《Paws B》與《.B Foundations》兒童正念課程的聯合作者。之後她與 Dusana Dorjee 和 Tabitha Sawyer 一起研發《當下的禮物》,為3-11歲兒童教師設計出活潑有趣的正念課程。從2018年開始,莎拉針對上班族提供《活在當下》課程,讓忙碌的成年人有機會接觸簡易有趣又可行的正念訓練。
莎拉的著作包含2012年出版的《The Mindfulness Breakthrough》,2016年再版為《The Mindfulness Key》,並且於2015年和2017年與威廉姆斯、芬內爾、巴恩霍夫、克蘭和西爾弗頓,吉爾福德等學者合著《正念與絕望的轉變》、《MBCT 與有自殺風險的人》等書籍。

Sarah's professional training was as an Occupational Therapist, working in mental health and Social Services settings for over twenty years. She also trained as a Counsellor, receiving her MEd in 1999.

Sarah was introduced to mindfulness, in 1996, by Mark Williams. She subsequently trained to teach others with Mark Williams and teachers at the Center for Mindfulness, Massachusetts, USA, JonKabat-Zinn's centre.

She became involved in school-based mindfulness in 2010 working with teachers and children from Ysgol Peny Bryn, Colwyn Bay. Sarah co-authored Paws b (Key Stage 2) and .b Foundations curricula (Mindfulness in Schools Project). She subsequently developed ‘The Present for Schools' with Dusana Dorjee and Tabitha Sawyer, a programme to support Foundation Phase/Key Stage 1, KS2 and KS3 teachers to share mindfulness practice with children aged 3-13.

Sarah has developed an adult version of The Present for those in workplace settings who want to explore mindfulness but find it difficult to make the time to practice formally. ‘Living in the Present’ has been offered since 2018.

She has published ‘The Mindfulness Breakthrough’, Watkins, 2012 (reprinted as ‘The Mindfulness Key’, 2016) and is co-author of ‘Mindfulness and The Transformation of Despair’, ‘MBCT with People at Risk of Suicide’ in paperback (2017), Williams, Fennell, Barnhofer, Crane and Silverton, Guilford, 2015.



正念助人學會於2022年首度與莎拉老師合作辦理「當下的禮物」(The Present for Schools)師資培訓課程,這是一套『兒童大腦開發與幸福課』。


