
馬克·威廉斯博士(Dr. Mark Williams)

  • OMC Founding Director and Honorary Senior Research Fellow
  • 正念認知療法(MBCT)共同創建者
  • 牛津大學正念中心(Oxford Mindfulness Centre, OMC)創建者
  • 牛津大學臨床心理學系榮譽教授
  • 醫學科學院和英國科學院的院士
  • http://oxfordmindfulness.org/people/mark-williams/


Mark Williams is Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Oxford. His research focuses on understanding how best to build resilience and mental fitness in order to prevent depression and suicide. Professor Williams has held posts at the Medical Research Council’s Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at Cambridge and the University of Wales, Bangor and was Founding Director of the University of Oxford’s Mindfulness Centre that works to prevent depression and enhance human potential through the therapeutic use of mindfulness across the lifespan. He is author of many research articles and books, including The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness (with John Teasdale, Zindel Segal and Jon Kabat-Zinn) and Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World (with Danny Penman). He is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences and the British Academy.


Segal, Z.V., Williams, J.M.G. & Teasdale, J.D.(2013). Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression. (2nd edition). New York: Guilford.

辛德•西格爾、馬克•威廉斯、約翰•蒂斯岱(2015年) 找回內心的寧靜:憂鬱症的正念認知療法第二版)( 台北:心靈工坊)


自2010年起,馬克.威廉斯博士(Dr. Mark Williams)就支持著南華正念中心與之後成立的社團法人正念助人學會的MBCT教師培訓活動,於2012年與2016年來台帶領MBCT M1-M2的培訓。2016年主持正念助人學會第一屆正念助人專業國際研討會,之後即支持正念關懷協會的監獄正念工作,長期無酬督導監獄正念教師團隊。

感謝Dr. Mark Williams 的大愛之心,默默護育著<正念助人學會>與<正念關懷協會>的成長,是我們永遠的正念導師與正念典範。

